Mapping Fi Wi Road (Our Road): Individual projects

Throughout the duration of the internship, each intern explored the idea of mapping through their own lens. You can view their research posters below, or click here to watch their keynote panel where they discuss their projects in more detail.

Black rollersk8ers where we at? - by Temi Ajayi

Black (hair)Stories: Mapping Black hair-spaces as third places - by Ikram Ali

Beyond the concrete jungle: Nature access among black communitites - by Brianna Gittens

A brief history of cartography: From colonialism to counter-mapping - by Danielle Marshall

Mapping urban resilience: navigating challenges and opportunities in African contexts - by Rachel Muriuki


Maps & Me: A collaborative counter-mapping workshop


WATCH: Panel 1 - ‘Mapping our voices, mapping our planet: Black voices on climate and cartographies’