Rush Me

Rush me is an online virtual space that traces the links between Africa the Caribbean and the UK in terms of some key exchanges in Healthcare, Military and Transport this is a work expanding out from the historical Windrush marker set by Patrick Vernon.

The space can be added to, augmented, countered.

Access the virtual space below

Rush me

Sonia E. Barrett

Sonia Barrett is a Visual Artist Madowell Fellow and 2020 recipient of the Yale Mellon Artist/Practitioner Fellow in the Department of Ethnicity, Race, and Migration, Yale University. The Rush Me project is supported by Up Projects, Michael Barrington-Hibbert and the Arts Council.


Living for future, we need today


The Effects of Extreme Poverty, Repressive Government, and Political Instability on Deforestation and Climate Change in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) The Way Forward